Institut Teknologi Telkom (IT Telkom) - formerly called STT Telkom - the first institution in Indonesia that focus in the field of study program "Information and Communications Technologies" (ICT). IT Telkom is projected to prepare experts in the field of ICT, a skilled and business minded, as an answer for the demands from the rapidly development of the ICT industry.
Average growth in the telecommunications business sector in Indonesia has increased by 20% each year. This growth includes cellular-based business communications services, fixed telephone, internet, and broadband access. With the amount of growth that size, estimated energy requirement of Infocom in 2010 in Indonesia are as many as 320,000 people.Currently providers of infocomm graduates are public universities and private universities, including IT Telkom. But the number of graduates from universities that have courses related to the infocomm sector, only around 20,000 people per year.
IT Telkom claims that in 2017 will become an international-class universities that superior in the field of Infocom and become agents of change in shaping smart and competitive human being.
Vision, Misions, Objectives, dan System of Value IT Telkom
V i s i o n
Be the International College that Excellent in the Field of Information and in the Formation of Change Agent in Intelligent and Competitive human being,and also play a role in the establishment of a prosperous society.
M i s i o n s
- Organize an International-standard education to develop professional resources in the field of infocomm.
- Organize for international-standard research to develop science and technology and innovation in the field of infocomm.
- Organize community service and actively develop synergies with industry / institutions at home and abroad.
- Improve the competitiveness of industries and institutions to serve the Infocom society.
- Produce graduates who are competent, able to work, develop themselves and entrepreneurship in the field of Infocom.
- Produce copyrighted works and in accordance with the demands and needs of society and the challenges of rapid change in the field of Infocom both nationally and internationally
- Global perspective and visioner
- Uphold the integrity and professionalism
- Stakeholder orientation
- Focus on quality
- Creative and innovative
- Honest and noble character.
IT Telkom strategies within 4 (Four) Years Ahead
- Building Infrastructure and the Comfort Zone and Conducive
With a comfortable and conducive infrastructure, teaching and learning and research culture will grow quickly and harmoniously. Academic atmosphere needed to be a great university would grow well. - Building Communities and Improving Learning Opportunities in IT Telkom
Through the admissions selection of flexible and innovative course development, and development of training programs and workshops for the community that are relevant to the competence of faculty. - Provides a High Value of Teaching and Learning Process
Learning process implemented should provide high value to the Faculty, Students, and Organizers (Prodi, BAA, Finance, etc..). Every people and units involved actively or passively in the learning process should give and receive benefits and a valuable learning experience. - Research Culture Development
Exciting research and innovation culture among the lecturers, staff, and students. Research can aim for the scientific development, problem solving dip roses and governance teaching and learning, including the development of research collaboration among faculty and with universities or other institutions, both at home and abroad. - Entrepreneurship Development
Technology-based entrepreneurship development (ICTs in particular). Dissemination to all civitas academica the values and spirit of entrepreneurship such as: hard work, innovation & creativity, independence, sincerity, courage risk taker, discipline and care. - Strengthening the Quality Assurance System Through Implementation of Good Governance
Principles Based University Governance Quality Assurance System (Quality Assurance System) is a tool and an effective approach to maintaining the viability of the institution. Application of Quality Assurance will be more effective and integral with the implemented the principles of Good University Governance, which include: credible Leadership, Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, and Fairness - Providing Value To Lecturers and Staff Lecturers and Staff (Academic Support Worker) is a major element in the planning and implementation of Teaching and Learning. Therefore expected that Lecturers and staff continuously improve and develop itself in order to have sufficient competence to become a competent resource and has tremendous talent. It is expected that with the quality of lecturers and staff like this, Institut Teknologi Telkom will be able to become college prefetch queue in the implementation of quality teaching and learning process and produce a reliable and qualified graduates.
- Increasing Financial Capacity
Financial capacity that continues to grow and develop is a requirement for good growth of the institution - Empowering Faculty and Sisfo as the agent of change For IT Telkom Progress
Learning system at IT Telkom
Educational programs in IT Telkom is designed to produce graduates who are able to jump and quickly adapt in the ICT industry sector, because since the beginning of IT Telkom has implemented a pattern link and Match. The pattern is manifested in the Intensive Learning system (face to face, responsiveness & practicum) are combined with field work in the form of rehearsal and Internship program (Co-op).
IT Telkom Logo
Image of Institut Teknologi Telkom Logo

- Telkom Institute of Technology logo of a circle has a sense of the globe / world as an educational and professional activities in science, information technology and communications generally.
- Rotation curve shape symbolizes the three responsibilities of three universities namely education, research and community service. Arranged opposite the rotation curve shape has a meaning of information and communication technology developments are very dynamic.
- The color of the logo is the symbol field of information technology and telecommunications is Prussian blue (dark blue) and blue turquoise (light blue). Book Antiqua Bold Italic letters have the impression of graceful, authoritative, dynamic, and accurate.
Song & Arr : Daud PM Saba
Institut Teknologi Telkom…
Mengemban tugas inovasi,
Tetap berkualitas dibidang Infokom,
Satu tekad dan satu tujuan …
Institut Teknologi Telkom…
Maju terus tegap dan jangan mundur,
Mengemban persatuan dan memberi informasi,
Agar insan cerdas merata,
Melayani bangsa meningkatkan karya,
Menayangkan citra dan cita,
Mengangkat prestasi ke seluruh negri,
Capai makmur dan sentosa,
Ayo tunas bangsa maju dan berkarya
Jayalah IT TELKOM kita….
song & Arr : Denny Saba
Almamater kita yang terdepan
Dibidang INFOKOM
Membentuk insan cerdas merata
Berkarya membangun bangsa
Inspirasi kita
Mendidik dan mengembangkan sumber daya,
Maju melangkah meraih cita,
Wujudkan Indonesia yang sejahtera,
Membangun mimpin gali inovasi
Harumkan bangsa keseluruh negri,
Janganlahberhenti terus berlari,
Ukir segala prestasi
Kan kami jaga keagungannya,
Maju IT TELKOM kita…